Our blog title to the contrary, there's more to Iowa than corn. Here's our collection of things to explore while you're in town; the links to the right should help you find something to do while you're visiting Des Moines.

What's happening: Demicon 21

Coming to Des Moines for the NLS pre-conference on Saturday but arriving on Friday? Need something -- anything! -- to do Friday night in Des Moines? How about a science fiction convention?!

Demicon 21: Everything is better with Pirates! begins on May 14th. Registration (before April 16) is $45 for the entire con (May 14-16) or $35 for one day.

This is a convention focused on books and art (not TV and movies). The author guest of honor is Karl Schroeder; artist guest of honor is Don Maitz (he'll be bringing author Janny Wurtz along). The ghost of honor is Arthur C. Clarke. Other authors listed as attending are: Glen Cook, Shirley Damsgaard, Adam Stemple, Bill Johnson, Lettie Prell, Adam J Whitlatch, and Stephen Zimmer. There will probably be others.

Friday night features opening ceremonies (mainly a humorous play put on by TICC-West -- amateur group Trans-Iowa Canal Company-West -- based on the author GOH's works and a popular movie or TV show), a tour of the art show, hall costume contest, assorted panels, gaming, anime, video room, and room parties. Scheduled events run until 1:00 am.

Karen Eis, cataloger at ILBPH, will be available as a native guide to this strange world. She has attended all previous 20 Demicons and knows (and is known by) the natives. You can reach her at karen.eis@blind.state.ia.us.

For more information, go to


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